
Highway 150 Landslide Removal Progressing Slowly But Surely

Monday April 29, 2024

150 Slide Update1

(All photos of 150 landslide courtesy of Caltrans)

     The effort to clear that massive landslide that has covered and closed Highway 150 north of Santa Paula is progressing slowly but surely.

     They've made progress towards clearing the way for a retaining wall that's being constructed but there is still several weeks worth of work before they even get close to reaching the goal.

     Meanwhile, Caltrans will be hosting a virtual community meeting on Tuesday, April 30 @ 6:30 pm to update residents on SR 150 repairs in Santa Paula. 

     You can join the meeting at the link: https://tinyurl.com/SR150meeting

      The massive landslide happened during this year's winter rains and has cutoff residents, workers and others from getting between Santa Paula and the Upper Ojai ever since.

     It forced the evacuation of three nearby homes.

     There is still a free shuttle service available for people forced to go the long way around using the 126, 101, and 33.

     Here is a link to that information...
